Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Think About It Wins Gold NASPA Excellence Award

Think About It, CampusClarity's online substance abuse and sexual violence training program for colleges and universities, has won the 2014 Gold NASPA Excellence Award for Violence Education and Prevention.

NASPA, Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education, is the leading association of student affairs professionals in the United States. The NASPA Excellence Awards are presented annually in recognition of NASPA members who are "transforming higher education through outstanding programs, innovative services, and effective administration."

The awards, which are presented in Gold, Silver, and Bronze categories, recognize excellence in a variety of fields related to student affairs and higher education. Winners are determined by a panel of veteran student affairs professionals, who judge each entry by criteria that include:
  • Impact on student learning
  • Success in addressing student needs
  • Use of innovative and creative methods, practices, or activities
  • Application of available or emerging theoretical models and practical research

Think About It is a collaboration between CampusClarity and the University of San Francisco's Division of Student Life. In addition to training students to confront and prevent serious campus problems such as sexual violence and substance abuse, the program helps schools comply with the training requirements of the Campus SaVE Act and Title IX, while also providing administrators important insights into the culture of their campus and student body.

More than thirty-five colleges and universities use Think About It to train their students.

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